Note: There might be other banks in Delaware, this page contains only banks which their headquarters or main offices are based in Delaware.
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About Delaware...
Thomas Garret, Delaware native, lost his fortune fighting the battle against slavery. He is also said to have personally helped more than 2,000 slaves with his important stopping location of the Underground Railroad.
It is said that the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin was modeled after this Delaware native also.
Home to the most dominant population of the horseshoe crab, those that visit Delaware will love the sights of so many in a single known location.
It is also the fascinating knowledge that the horseshoe crab can live for an entire year without eating anything at all. More intriguing yet is the fact they the horseshoe crabs have remained basically the exact same since the days of the dinosaur.
Information about Delaware
State Abbreviation
December 7, 1787
State Capital
Number of Counties
State Population
State Population Density
484.1 (People / Square mile)
State Motto
Liberty and Independence
State Flower
Peach blossom
State Tree
American holly
State Bird
Blue Hen Chicken
State Nickname
Diamond State / First State
State Area Codes
Quick Facts
- If you ever decide that you need to fry 800 chicken quarters you might want to travel to Delaware as they are the home of a frying pan that can hold them, that as well as 180 gallons of cooking oil.
- Betsy Ross was probably beside herself to know that her very first hand sewn flag was flown in the great state of Delaware.
- American’s have the Finnish people to thank for the knowledge of building log cabins and it was here in Delaware that the first one was built.
- Every one of the United States’ states is home to a National Park system except one; that’s right it is in Delaware that you would be looking to no avail.
State Flag
State Map
This page is constantly updating and currently has information about 6 Banks.