Note: There might be other banks in Hawaii, this page contains only banks which their headquarters or main offices are based in Hawaii.
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About Hawaii...
The state of Hawaii is known for more than just the beauty of its islands as it is here that one can thank for the growing of coffee, as no other state grows any. More than ⅓ of the world’s commercial pineapple supply comes from here as well.
The state of Hawaii has a time zone all of its very own. They are two hours in the Pacific time zone and five hours behind the Eastern time zone.
Here you will not find any time changes for daylights savings to further complicate the conversion of time zones.
Getting an opportunity to learn the Hawaiian alphabet should not take too long, as it is only twelve letters long. It includes the letters A, E, I, O, U, H, K, L, M, N, P, and W.
Information about Hawaii
State Abbreviation
August 21, 1959
State Capital
Number of Counties
State Population
State Population Density
222.9 (People / Square mile)
State Motto
Ua mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono (The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness)
State Flower
State Tree
Kukui (candlenut tree)
State Bird
State Nickname
Aloha State
State Area Codes
Quick Facts
- Every single person and race are considered to be a minority in the state of Hawaii.
- If you are in search of the largest city in the world you will want to stop and visit Honolulu, Hawaii.
- It is here in Hawaii that one will find the most active volcanos as well as the world’s largest dormant volcano.
- Hawaii is home to what was once a former leper colony.
State Flag
State Map
This page is constantly updating and currently has information about 6 Banks.