The Discover it Secured Credit Card offers cardholders with a chance to repair their poor credit score and also build a new one. Also, there is a cashback reward of 2% when you use at least $1,000 to purchase in restaurants and gas stations within the first 3 months after opening an account. Also, you will earn 1% in cash back rewards for any other purchase you make, other than the above.
- Website:
- Mobile App: Android | iPhone
- Telephone Number: 1-800-347-2683
- Headquartered In: Illinois
- Company's Rating:
The Discover it Secured Credit Card has more than just credit card services to its customers. It invites them to enroll for online access using their online platforms. However, they have to be existing card members in order to enroll for this service. To make your work easier, we have prepared a guide to help you learn how to log in, how to get your login details if forgotten and how to enroll.
How to login
A secure account will have security details that are only known by the credit cardholder. This is why you have to create a user account when enrolling for online access. Once all that is done, you can proceed to use those details to access your account in the following ways:
Step 1: Click here
Step 2: Tap the login section, enter your user ID and password, and then log in.
How to get your user ID or password if forgotten
Things can go from good to bad, in a second. If you try to access your account and fail due to the wrong password or user ID, then you have to go to take the next step in resolving this issue. To get your user ID or password if forgotten, use the steps below:
Step 1: Click the forgot user ID/password phrase.
Step 2: Under the credit cards, select forgot both.
Step 3: Enter your card number, expiration date, date of birth, your social security number as required and then continue.
How to enroll
The need for a new account will come when you want to manage your credit card details. It gives a reliable platform to keep your finances in order. By monitoring your expenses, you make this happen. As such, you can use the following steps to enroll:
Step 1: Click the register your account phrase.
Step 2: Under credit cards, tap register now.
Step 3: Enter your card number, date of expiration, date of birth, last 4 digits of social security number, and then continue.
How to manage your account online
When it comes to managing your credit card account online, you have to know where to go. All you need to do is to log in and then you will have access to all your account details. You can thus make payment, purchase goods and services and also check your account balance to determine your purchasing power.