Complicated credit scores

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    I am having some hard time with calculating my credit score properly. I feel that I am somehow missing something. Can you please tell me how do you calculate it? Maybe I didn’t get it right.


    Maybe you don’t understand what credit score actually means. It is not just a track record of your payment history. If you have been looking at that, you have actually checked a credit report, and that may one thing why are you so confused. Besides that, credit scores are actually more aking to a GPA school.


    Yes, you are totally right Georgie, I was looking at the credit report all the time! Can you please explain me more about it? I would really like to know everything and I am tired of being lost because I don’t know the definitions of some terms. Thank you so much!


    Well, it is a numerical expression like every other, but it is always based on the analysis level. If you don’t know what analysis levels are, think about your personal credit files, and it will be more clear to you. Also, these express credit worthiness you have, or any other individual has. It is sourced from all your credit bureaus.


    Georgie, you are a genius! I wouldn’t explain it better. And if I may be honest, I didn’t know it exactly too. I am sure that you have helped her a lot. Maybe it would be even better to explain it somehow on a friendly level, it all sounds very professional.


    You guys did a great job while explaining the credit score properly. I would just like to add that credit scores are not limited to banks, that is most of the times a huge confusion for a person. Also, there are many other organizations, for example, the phone companies and insurance companies, that use the same techniques. Have you heard about data mining? You should know a lot about it to understand the credit scores properly.


    Besides just knowing the theory of credit scores, it is also important to realize what good credit scores mean, don’t you agree? Every one of us aspires to it, and it is important to know how to track it and to gain all the benefits you can from it. It is actually a very important determinating factor when you want to borrow some money, for example. Also, if you want to get a low rate, it is very important to know how to track it. Bambale gave great instructions.


    Bambale thank you so much for that information, I didn’t know they are linked to banks. I sound like a newbie, but I am really willing to learn, and I need it in my life. You Zelter also helped me to realize a bit how to calculate. How can someone even have some benefits if the person doesn’t even know what to search for, right? Well, that was my case, but you really helped me so much. It is still not all clear to me, but I probably need some practice.


    You can understand a good credit score by taking a look at your track. It must be in a range of 300 to 850. But, of course, everything above 700 is considered good. It also means that you have good chances to pay it off in the future. If you didn’t know about that situation. It tells you a lot about your circumstances and how do you behave with your credit. Good luck!


    You people are literally amazing! I don’t know if I would understand it all without your help. Garnino, with your last comment I found a way to understand it all. You wouldn’t believe how wrong I understood that all once I’ve started with bank scores. Well, I may say that I learned it all the wrong way at first. But, thanx so much once again, you have been of a great help!

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