Financial tips and tricks that save a lot of money

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    Let’s talk about the tips and tricks that make a huge difference in our monthly budget! I heard so many from my neighbors, and some of them sounded silly, but they actually work. For example, going shopping with a full stomach, because in another way you may feel hungry and want to buy everything. What are your experiences?


    The best money tips that work for me is to always use cash and to avoid eating in the fancy restaurants. I go there only on some special occasions. Also, I saved a lot of money by exercising at home, and not paying a membership to the gym. I have realized that I missed so many training, but paid for them… What a waste of money it was.


    Yes, Kerry, you are absolutely right. I have spent so much money in the restaurants just by being lazy. I really don’t like the food that is served there, but you know, it is easier for me to eat my lunch somewhere than to pack it for work. Of course, that is just my laziness, but you are 120% right.


    You can also save money by buying in bulk. Of course, be sure that you will need those items. About clothing-you can always find everything online for a cheaper price. Besides that, second-hand shops are a great idea, you wouldn’t believe what you can find there! When it comes to education, I remember myself spending so much money on learning new languages, but today I do it all online.


    I started going to work by bike instead of a car. The same goes for small shopping. I used to go everywhere by car, and believe me-it literally ate my money. Also, I have realized that I started to become more and more obese, and the activity helped me to save money and to be in shape. Of course, I haven’t even realized how much money I spend on the gas until I changed that habit. I was changing it with a purpose to become fit…


    Adam gave you a great advice! I also used to go everywhere by car, and then to sit in the office for like 8 hours. Oh man, that ruins your health a lot! Think about your habits, and you will easily realize where your money goes. The best tip for me when it comes to saving money is writing down the priorities for every month. You know, the last month my kids needed new shoes, and that was a priority. I didn’t spend anything else for myself and my wife, but the next month my wife needs to go to the dentist, so, it will be ”her month”.


    I used to buy a lot of things I don’t need, just because I liked them. You know how it goes, you went shopping trying to find a perfect pair of jeans, and you end up with a few t-shirts, but without those jeans. That was how I was shopping. I realized that when I didn’t have anything to wear, because I always bought what I like, and not what I need. Now, I make a list and stick to it.


    Same as John, I didn’t even think about my real needs. I was just hanging around and suddenly found myself in such a situation I bought a new perfume or even some fancy car gadget I don’t actually need. Really, I kept those stuff and home and we had less and less space each day. How I saved money by changing that habit? First of all, I sold everything I don’t use. There are so many online sites where you can sell the stuff you don’t need.

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