Safely using online banking

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    I am wondering about making my online bank account, but I am a little bit worried about the safety. What are your best tips and experience?


    Hey, Michelle are you worried that someone can break into your account? Many people worry about that, but you can stay safe if you follow some simple cybersecurity rules. First of all, you need to keep your apps up to date. I would also recommend you to get a strong password and to change it often. By strong, I mean that it has to contain characters and numbers. It would be the best to put some symbols in it too. Use small and big characters for better safety.


    This advice about internet security is awesome. I would add not to use public wi-fi. Also, encrypt all the files you want and need. Authentication is one more process that can keep you safe. Use different passwords for different accounts. And also, check your balance regularly. I don’t think you should be worried that much, trust me.


    You can also use a password manager. It will replace all your weak passwords with strong ones. I was once literally unable to create a good password, but with a password manager, you don’t even need to think about it. Also, I would recommend you to use the VPN because it is the safest network when it comes to finances and money.


    To be honest, I didn’t know about any of those cybersecurity tips you are talking about. Sorry for the late reply, been busy these days. I never thought that using a public Wi-Fi may be dangerous, but when I think about it now, it totally makes sense.


    Well yes, it is all about internet security. It goes the same for your accounts-for example facebook, skype etc. You don’t someone to see some of your conversations, right? Although, this is a bit more important because you put money or your account and some very personal data and information. All in all, the best is to have your password written somewhere on a real paper, if you cannot remember it, not on your computer or mobile device.


    But when talking about internet security, don’t forget that the same goes for your mobile device, not just laptop. I used to stay logged in on my mobile phone, and I don’t know why. Maybe because I didn’t look at my smartphone as to a computer, but that is a horrible mistake. Be sure that you always log out, and never use ‘a remember me’ option. We all know that it is practical, but it is not safe at all.


    You are absolutely right Adam! I have thought about it in the way you say! I am sure that many who read that will be happy to find it out. Also, I really like the idea of Georgie about writing the passwords on the real paper, that is definitely the safest way. You are so smart, I am glad that I asked what bothers me because you helped me so much!


    I would say one more thing-it would be the best for you to have your personal computer or a laptop and not to share it with anyone if you didn’t understand the authentication process and access control. In that case, you can only have guests on your computer, but they are not allowed to see many of your important stuff, usually called the sensitive data. Sensitive data is everything that matters to you.


    I would agree with John about having your personal computer. It doesn’t cost much, really. Also, you can find a wide range of laptops for a cheap price. It would be the best to keep it all secured. I wouldn’t risk anything when it comes to money that transfers online, your accounts, passwords etc. I think that we told you everything you need to know about it.

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