5 Steps to Talk to Your Partner About Money Even If You Just Started Dating

Steps to Talk to Your Partner About Money Even If You Just Started Dating

Money is one of the most uncomfortable conversation topics that you must have if you’re going to be in a successful relationship.

With some careful planning, you can bring up the topic, figure out if you and your partner are on the same page, and then move on to other important discussions.

Get on the same page with these different steps.

Places to Meet Your Soulmate

First off, you need to find a soulmate before you have the conversation about money.

Meeting your soulmate can happen in many ways, but the easiest way to find a romantic partner is certainly using an online dating website.

Going online to engage in chatting for singles can allow you to find matches that have the same goals in life as you.

In other words, it will become far easier to look through their dating site profile and see factors like:

  • desired lifestyle;
  • current employment;
  • long-term goals.

That way, it’s easy for you to seek a person who has goals like yours.

Of course, you can always look to meet your soulmate in person, too.

The workplace and social clubs will help you find people with similar means and lifestyles, and that can be the best thing for you if the topic of money is uncomfortable.

Talk About Your Financial Expectations Early on: How Is It Better? On Chats or in Real Life?

Once you find a partner, you need to figure out when to talk to them about money.

We have a few items to cover.

First, when is it better to talk about money within a relationship? In our estimation, it’s easier to have the conversation about six months into your relationship, just as soon as things start to get serious.

Now, should you talk about it online or in-person?

If you’re still dating online at that point, it might be more comfortable to talk about it without being face-to-face.

The only thing to consider is that if you want to set down rules about money and you have met up several times already, it might be better for you to talk in the same room.

Once you decide where to talk about money, we have five steps that you and your partner can follow to make the process easy:

  1. Share your money goal – Talk to your partner and try to agree on a goal.
  2. Put your money away in an FDIC member bank – Only put your money in banks backed by the FDIC.
  3. Decide who is going to pay for what – Who is paying for dates this week? Do you have bills together? Take turns treating each other to dinner and dates instead of making one person responsible for everything.
  4. Earmark a certain amount of money for savings – Set a long-term goal for savings and outline a timeline for achieving that goal.
  5. Stick to your plan – Above all else, you have to stick to your plan in terms of savings and spending, keeping extraneous spending to a minimum.

Following these steps can help you and your partner establish good money practices that will allow you to create a savings account and reach your mutual goals.

Some conversations are very hard to have with a romantic partner, and any topic about money is difficult.

You need to have the means to talk about finances in any relationship that will last long.

Following the steps that we have established here will help you be open and honest about your monetary situation.

Make a hard conversation easier by taking a consistent approach.

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