Note: There might be other banks in Maryland, this page contains only banks which their headquarters or main offices are based in Maryland.
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About Maryland...
Maryland is known for many firsts that took place including the first school in the United States, the first railway station to be built, the home to the first dental school, as well as the home of North America’s only commercial sailing fleet to name a few.
The fame of the first successful manned balloon launch belongs to a thirteen-year-old from Maryland.
Maryland is the birthplace of many of baseball’s greats such as Babe Ruth, Cal Ripken Jr., Billy Ripken, Lefty Grove, Frank Homerun Baker, Harold Baines, Al Kaine, Denny Neagle, and Jimmie Foxy. What an unstoppable team they could have made if born together in history.
Information about Maryland
State Abbreviation
April 28, 1788
State Capital
Number of Counties
State Population
State Population Density
614.5 (People / Square mile)
State Motto
Fatti maschii, parole femine (Manly deeds, womanly words)
State Flower
Black-eyed susan
State Tree
White oak
State Bird
Baltimore Oriole
State Nickname
Free State, Old Line State
State Area Codes
227, 240, 249, 280, 301, 410, 443, 667
Quick Facts
- Maryland was the home of the first telegraph message to be received. Makes sense to learn that the first telegraph pole went up here as well.
- America’s national anthem was written here in Maryland.
- The state of Maryland was the first place to enact the workman’s compensation laws.
- Humbly, Maryland gave up a portion of its land to form Washington D.C.
State Flag
State Map
This page is constantly updating and currently has information about 29 Banks.