Note: There might be other banks in New York, this page contains only banks which their headquarters or main offices are based in New York.
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About New York...
The state of New York is teased as being the mother of all fraternities as one can find Delta Phi, Kappa Alpha, and Sigma Phi began here.
One might not look at New York at realizing just how important it finds farming activity. It is hugely reliant upon dairy farming to be specific and has more than 18,000 dairy cows and calves residing there.
Getting around in New York one often relies on the subway system as a means of travel and it is of wonder that one is able to locate and ride on 722 miles worth of subway track here.
Information about New York
State Abbreviation
July 26, 1788
State Capital
Number of Counties
State Population
State Population Density
419.3 (People / Square mile)
State Motto
Excelsior (Ever upward)
State Flower
State Tree
Sugar maple
State Bird
State Nickname
Empire State
State Area Codes
212, 315, 347, 516, 518, 585, 607, 631, 646, 716, 718, 845, 914, 917
Quick Facts
- The first American Chess Tournament took place here in New York.
- New York is the home of the legendary tales of Rip Van Winkle.
- As president George, Washington took his oath in what is now New York.
- The creator of the Uncle Sam Wants You character is from the great state of New York.
State Flag
State Map
This page is constantly updating and currently has information about 76 Banks.